Resolving Apparent Bible Contradictions
Are All Animals Clean To Eat Now?
The Law specifies that certain animals are clean and fine for eating, whereas certain New Testament verses seem to say now everything is fine to eat. Let’s examine this more…
Is Physical Circumcision Required In New Covenant?
We are familiar with verses that suggest that in the New Covenant, circumcision is just all about the heart – removing the hard outer layer so we are sensitive to God’s will and so we respond to him in obedience. This is true, yet Paul also says that if we keep the Law, (physical) circumcision is of value. Join us as we explore this controversy more.
Is the Law of God Abolished or Not?
In this apparent bible contradiction, we’ll take a look at the various verses – some that support that God’s Law continues in New Testament times, and some that seem to say the Law has passed away, and we’ll try to give context to these verses and historical evidence as well in an effort to harmonize the verses and come to a consensus on whether and how God’s Law applies to us today.